Good Samaritans
Food Distribution


In the Parable of the Good Samaritan, it wasn’t the priest or Levite who stopped to help the helpless man beaten and left for dead by robbers on the road; it was a man of Samaria who was looked down upon as subhuman by the people of Israel that helped him.  We call the people of our ministry to the least of our brothers and sisters in Akron the Good Samaritans, as a reminder to ourselves that we are to never neglect the Word and Law of God to care for all.  The current activity of the Good Samaritans is focused on feeding the hungry.  Through our partnership with the Akron Canton Food Bank, we are able to provide supplemental food to approximately 200 households a month.

FREE GROCERIES are available on the 2ND WEDNESDAY of every month from 8-9:30 AM. 

A FREE MEAL is available the 2nd THURSDAY of every month from 5-6:30 PM.

A FREE MEAL and GROCERIES are available the LAST TUESDAY of the month from 5-6:30 PM.